Colossians 2:2-3
Private Devotions
Time with the LORD--Almighty God, who was and is and is to come, the maker of heaven and earth, the seas and all that is in them. That very same God wants to fellowship with us! What an amazing concept! For so many years private devotions were a struggle for me but something that I knew a "good" Christian should do. Now I long for time with my Savior like a wife in a good marriage longs for time alone with her husband. Private devotions are when I can cozy up to my Father, so to speak, and learn of Him. Psalm 16:11 and 21:6 speak of the fullness of joy that comes in the presence of God, and we can have that through the shed blood of Christ anytime we will just pull away from the business of life and spend time with Jehovah. Hurrying has no place in such a time, nor do the distractions of phones and email. If you've never regularly experienced the blessings of private time with the Lord, join me through one of the guides below to worship the LORD through song, Psalms, reading and meditating on His Word, and prayer. You too can begin to experience the blessings of focused time with your Redeemer and Friend. The Father awaits his child...
These devotions follow the pattern that I developed and have found helpful in my own personal time with the LORD. They are meant to be a suggested guide or format that can be tailored as needed. They aren't meant to be a devotional book that directs your thinking but instead encourages you to listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit in private worship and the understanding of God's Word. I am only including enough of them to give multiple examples so that you can then move forward on your own, applying the format as you see fit.