Colossians 2:2-3
Heart & Mind Ministries
Heart and Mind Ministries was born out of a desire by Marci Julin to inspire other Christian women to love God and His Word with passion and to seek to know Him more. As God has grown the ministry, He has brought godly men to join the work, opening doors to serve both men and women.
God has, over time, focused the work to minister to those who suffer with chronic illness and pain and to shed light on the abundant deceptive practices in the health arena.
God gifts each of His servants in unique ways, and Marci Julin's teaching embodies both a truly personal, and yet an intellectual approach. With a mind that seeks order and understanding Marci loves to dig deep for the treasures that abound in Scripture. Come join Marci in the pursuit.
Our Mission
Heart & Mind Ministries Inc. exists to equip and assist individuals in growing in their knowledge, understanding, and love for the God of the Bible and making wise application of biblical instruction in health and life.
Our Goals
To provide sound biblical teaching to help Christians grow in the faith
To provide the clear message of the Gospel
To reveal areas of darkness in the health arena
To teach and promote a biblical perspective of health