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Marci Julin Bible teacher

Our Philosophy


To provide insightful biblical teaching that speaks to the hearts and minds of women who desire to know God.

Heart & Mind Ministries


Heart and Mind Ministries was born out of a desire by Marci Julin to inspire other Christian women to love God and His Word with passion and to seek to know Him more.   Christians don't have to check their brains at the door to believe the Bible.  We have a faith that stands up to the test of time, to the criticism of skeptics, and to personal scrutiny.  We can and should ask difficult questions and dig deeply to study and understand the Scriptures.  In addition, as women, God has created us to feel things deeply with our hearts.  The women who were last at the cross and first at the tomb were motivated, not just by a knowledge of Jesus, but by an overwhelming love for Him. 


God gifts each of His servants in unique ways, and Marci Julin's teaching embodies both a truly personal, and yet an intellectual approach.  With a mind that seeks order and understanding Marci loves to dig deep for the treasures that abound in Scripture.    Come join Marci in the pursuit. 

Our Goals


  • To provide online biblical teaching for women in written and audio form.

  • To be available for teaching women's Bible studies in the north Georgia area

  • To be available for speaking at women's events and retreats

  • To be available to present the Gospel at women's or children's events

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